Boinas... yo tambien me puse curioso con respecto a los posibles contenidos de lo que se da por aca y buscando y buscando me enconte con esto... si queres ver directamente lo de contrabajo esta en la pagina 76. Todavia no se muy bien a que equivale, pero supongo aue debe ser como el titulo de grado esto...
Provechio! busque un poco mejor y esto es lo aue encontre... para dar una idea, el titulo de grado de Trinity son cuatro anhos...
Guidance on Levels of Diplomas
Trinity Guildhall has 3 levels of diplomas:
Associate (e.g. ATCL, AMusTCL) - NQF Level 4
These diplomas are comparable with the standard reached at the end of a first year in a full-time undergraduate course at a conservatoire, university or other higher education institution.
Licentiate (e.g. LTCL, LMusTCL) - NQF Level 6
These diplomas are comparable with the standard reached at the end of the final year a full-time undergraduate course at a conservatoire, university or other higher education institution.
Fellowship (e.g. FTCL, FMusTCL) - NQF Level 7
Theses diplomas are comparable with the standard reached at the end of the postgraduate course at a conservatoire, university or other higher education institution.