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[spoiler=Biografia de Eccles]Henry Eccles
(b ?1675?85; d ?1735?45). Violinist and composer. Since he was at first called ?Henry Eccles junior? it is likely that he was related to (3) Henry Eccles (i), but in what way is unknown. The earliest reference to him is on 2 January 1705, when he gave a benefit concert in Mr Hill?s dancing room. A Prelude in C minor by him appeared in Select Preludes & Voluntarys for the Violin (1705), and a song No more let Damon?s eyes in Comical Songs (1706) and Wit and Mirth, iii (2/1707). On 15 May 1713 a concert was given in the Stationers? Hall ?for the Entertainment of ? the Duke d?Aumont, Embassador extraordinary from France. For the Benefit of Mr Eccles, Musician to his Grace?. Eccles presumably returned to France with the duke?s entourage in December 1713. He was certainly living in Paris by 1720, when he published there a set of 12 violin sonatas, 18 movements of which, however, were taken from Giuseppe Valentini?s Allettamenti per camera op.8, with a further movement coming from F.A. Bonporti?s Invenzioni op.10. A second set of violin sonatas (including two flute sonatas) followed in 1723. Hawkins quoted Henry?s brother Thomas (b London, c1672; d c1745) as saying in about 1735 that Henry was then in the service of the King of France, but as he is neither included in Machard?s lists of kings? musicians for 1734?64 (RMFC, xi, 1971) nor mentioned in Benoit?s Versailles et les musiciens du roi, 1661?1733, it would seem that this was not so. According to Hawkins, Thomas Eccles was also a violinist ? an excellent performer reduced by alcohol addiction to scraping a living by playing in inns and taverns.
A. Moser: ?Musikalische Criminalia?, Die Musik, xv (1922?3), 423?5 ( OPENURL )
W.B. Squire: ?Henry Eccles?s Borrowings?, MT, lxiv (1923), 790 only ( OPENURL )
Margaret Laurie
Para la cita textual te ofrezco dos formatos
MLAMargaret Laurie and Stoddard Lincoln. "Eccles." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. 28 Aug. 2008 <http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/08509pg5>.
ChicagoMargaret Laurie and Stoddard Lincoln. "Eccles." In Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online,
http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/08509pg5 (accessed August 28, 2008).
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