Autor Tema: extension  (Leído 7791 veces)

Desconectado ed Martin

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« : 01-01-2008 10:22 pm »
les pregunto
alguno de ustedes posee
en su contrabajo la extension en la cuarta cuerda?
si es asi . que tipo de extreccion tienen?
por lo que se. hay dos tipos.
una con zapatillas tipo Flauta. como la que tiene Oscar Carnero.
y otra q solo la vi en Fotos. que es la extension con palitos je!  :jee: :sudor:
no.. no se que son. pero como para cortar el tiraje dela cuerda parace que Manual
como la de E.Mayer
quienes las hacen?
se puede llegar a encontrar algun plano de la segunda que yo digo.?
si es asi.
les agradezco muchisimo su Buena predispocion.


Desconectado Mr.X

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« Respuesta #1 : 02-01-2008 11:27 am »
Bueno, quien las hace en Argentina... ni idea... pero con estas fotos seguro que vas a poder hacerlas tu mismo...
Y hay un tipo mas, que tal vez no hayas visto... bueno no las voy a poner todas aqui, pero voy a hacer una carpeta en la Galeria y ahi las pongo todas.


Save me, Mr. X! Oh, wait, I'm Mr.X.

Desconectado Mr.X

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« Respuesta #2 : 02-01-2008 11:31 am »
Estas instrucciones estan en ingles, pero no seria dificil traducirlas

Read through all instructions before beginning any installation work.

1.   Take off nut.
2.     Cut off the E-string part of the nut. The finished (cut) edge of the remaining nut will be 2.5 mm from the center of the nut A-string groove. (See diagram)
3.     Glue the modified nut back on. (Save the unused piece)
4.     Unscrew the ?stopper screw? at the end of the extension body.
5.     Place extension to the side of scroll so that the round part of the brass is centered over the scroll. Mark (on the extension body) and saw off where it extends past nut edge.
6.     Start cutting down the (extension) wood shim while making sure that the extension body continues the trajectory that the E-string would follow toward scroll.
7.     Bend the rear ?L? bracket so that it will be flush with the back wall of the peg box.
8.     With the wood shim near final thickness, place the extension so it rests on the scroll and nut area. File end so that it butts-up cleanly to the end of the Bass fingerboard.
9.     Draw the Bass fingerboard curvature, 0.5 mm higher, on end of extension fingerboard. Hand-plane the extension fingerboard to match the curve of the Bass fingerboard.
10.     Cut a little notch for the C-string to go through on the top end of the extension fingerboard. (We have found that the extension itself doesn?t need a nut for the C-string to vibrate cleanly. You can, if you wish, place a piece of lizard skin in the notch
11.     Wind C-string through the extension onto the A-string tuning machine. Even minimum tension on the string will pull the extension body solidly and securely into place.
12.     With the string as a guide, final adjustments can be made by:
       a) Moving the top part of the extension slightly left or right so that the C-string will be centered on the extension fingerboard. Shape shim accordingly.
       b) Cutting down the wood shim so that the clearance of the C-string will be (measuring from the bottom of the string) 5.5 mm of off the bass fingerboard. If you have cut too much off the wood shim, don?t worry, you can place a thin piece of rubber between the
13.     Mark (with awl) the placement of holes on the rear ?L? bracket and side ?L? bracket where the screws will hold them against the back and side peg box walls respectively.
14.     Take off extension. Color the wood shim black and drill holes in the ?L? brackets.
15.     Put extension back on scroll. Run the C-string through the extension.
16.     Drill holes into the peg box walls (through the holes in brass) and screw in ?L? brackets.
17.     Slide on the sliding gate. Gage by eye how much needs to be cut of off the ebony foot.
18.     Carve ebony foot (glued to lever arm) to match the curve of the extension fingerboard.
19.     Cut a (C-string radius) groove along the length of the ebony foot so that it clamps straight down on top of the C-string.
20.     Super-glue lizard skin onto the ebony foot. (Overlap skin onto the sides of foot)
21.     Slide the sliding gate to its ?E-stop position? so that the edge of the ebony foot lines up directly with the edge of the extension fingerboard. To secure the gate?s position:
       a) Drill and tap hole in the same channel that the original ?stopper screw? was in.
       b) Screw in the ?stopper screw?. ( Taking into account its surrounding plastic tube)
22.     Cut down the E-string side of nut (that was previously cut off) and glue it on the other side of extension as a decorative side. Cut notch to accommodate ?stopper screw?.
Save me, Mr. X! Oh, wait, I'm Mr.X.

Desconectado ed Martin

  • Ed.
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  • Ed.
« Respuesta #3 : 02-01-2008 09:01 pm »

si si mUchisimas Gracias por todo! Mr. X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

voy a guardar todas las Fotos
y las llevare al taller aver si podemos hacer algo Con agustin!

Estoy re contento
haber q sale je!

 :ja: :ja: :ja: :feliz:

Muchas gracias!

Desconectado Mr.X

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« Respuesta #4 : 02-01-2008 09:05 pm »
Me alegro que te haya servido... y cuando la tengas... promete que subes fotos para que veamos el trabajo de Agustin...

Save me, Mr. X! Oh, wait, I'm Mr.X.